Hamlet Had an Uncle: A Comedy of Honor—J.B. Cabell (Holiday Post #1)

Around the Christmas—New Year holidays, I often post things that stray from the topic of Hamlet and the Bible. Here's a first post that indulges in such straying, but not far. Someone recommended to me that I should read a book by (James) Branch Cabell called Hamlet Had an Uncle: A Comedy of Honor . I don't recall who recommended it, but I started it over the holidays and have found it to be fun. Other Hamlet fans may also enjoy it, especially those familiar with the source tales. The book was published in 1940 and the reviewer for Kirkus Reviews didn't care for it much, but Goodreads has a much more positive review that perhaps places the book in historical context as an influence on writers such as Neil Gaiman. Those who have studied Hamlet and the source tales from Saxo Grammaticus and Belleforest may find it a fun romp. A number of monarchs or princes in the story were, as it turns out, conceived when their mothers had affairs. These include Hamlet and the Ki...