Henry Viii’s psalter and David: Inside the mind of a tyrant

I have posted a new article about Hamlet and King David

Below is the link to my new article about Hamlet, the biblical King David, and Henry VIII:

On LinkedIn:

On this blog:

[Shakespeare uses Hamlet and King Claudius to demonstrate some connections with the David stories, and these would have been seen by audiences as implying connections with Henry VIII as well, connections that most everyone living in that age would have recognized.]

But to prepare for that, here's a helpful blog that mentions how Henry VIII commissioned a book of the Psalms, with illustrations that included Henry VIII himself in the role of the biblical King David.

To understand why there are so many allusions to King David in Hamlet, it's essential to understand how fascinated Henry was with the biblical David, and to spot parallels between the lives of David and Henry.

So please do look for and click the link to the new article, and also enjoy this blog (by another author) about Henry and his Book of Psalms.

Links to a description of my book project:
On LinkedIn: https://lnkd.in/eJGBtqV

On this blog: https://pauladrianfried.blogspot.com/2017/05/hamlets-bible-my-book-project-im.html

[Originally posted around the week of 10/2/17
on LinkedIn]
