LOOKING FORWARD TO SAA 2018 - PROGRAM POST: Jay Zysk, Jennifer Rust, Gayle Gaskill

Looking forward to attending the Shakespeare Association of America's conference in Los Angeles this week. If you are there, message me via LinkedIn to say hi!
Among the presenters/seminars I am especially looking forward to:

1. “Third Wave” Interdisciplinarity in Shakespeare and Biblical Studies — Lori Anne Ferrell (Claremont Graduate University) &
Tammi J. Schneider (Claremont Graduate University).
Among other works, Lori is the author of "Government by Polemic: James I, the King’s Preachers, and the Rhetorics of Conformity, 1603-1625" and "The Bible and the People."
Among other works, Tammi is the author of "Sarah: Mother of Nations," "An Introduction to Ancient Mesopotamian Religion," and "Mothers of Promise: Women in the Book of Genesis."

2. Thinking Theology with Shakespeare — Jay Zysk (University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth). Jay is the author of "Shadow and Substance: Eucharistic Controversy and English Drama across the Reformation Divide," among other works. Gayle Gaskill, editor of Twelfth Night (New Kittredge Shakespeare) will be on the same panel.

Jennifer Rust of St. Louis U will also be there: She is the author of "The Body in Mystery: The Political Theology of the Corpus Mysticum in the Literature of Reformation England" — and leading a seminar on Fouault and early modern lit.


#Shakespeare #Hamlet #Literature #Bible #Renaissance #EarlyModern #theatre #Drama #literarycriticism

Links to a description of my book project:
On LinkedIn: https://lnkd.in/eJGBtqV
On this blog: https://pauladrianfried.blogspot.com/2017/05/hamlets-bible-my-book-project-im.html

[Originally posted around the week of 3/27/18
on LinkedIn]
